Be Fruitful, Increase in Number, Fill the Earth

Today's reading is from Genesis 9.

One of the most popular images from this passage is the rainbow, a sign of God's promise. But as I read it this time, another thing stood out to me more. It was these words in verse 1:
"Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth."
It's also in verse 7:
"As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it."
The idea of God wanting the earth to be filled with many people & why would God want such a thing really stood out to me & made me wonder~

But before I share my thoughts on that, let's pay attention to some other detail elsewhere first. So I'm sure most of us have heard of the origin of the rainbow from here. It was a sign of a covenant between God and Noah, as it says in verse 13, "I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth."
As I put more thought into it this time, it actually really made lots of sense. In our everyday lives, after we experience a huge rainstorm, when the sun comes out again, there the rainbow sits in the sky. As I see it now, it's really a reflection of what God promised Noah that day. 
Seeing the rainbow is a reminder of why the rain stopped. It's amazing how this physical sign of the covenant is still observable to this day!

Verse 3 raised a question from me.
Why did God introduce meat for food now, & not before?
Feel free to share your thoughts or knowledge on this.

So now back to the command God gave Noah.
"Be fruitful, increase in number, fill the earth.

As I read these words, I was left wondering, why did God want more people on the earth? Did He want more people to love? Was not an adequate amount of humans enough? Why did He want so many people?

It really reminded me that, every human life is special to God. The more people there were, the more He could share His love with. The more joy He would have & He could share~
He wanted to give many people, even yet to be born, an opportunity to share a relationship of love with Him.

Though, I'm sure God already knew how many people there would be on the earth. It was more or less 'predestined' by Him. Whatever the number may be, I'm sure it's very big, and big enough to fulfill God's purpose for the Earth & mankind.

This really shows that every individual is special to God. 
Everyone is unique, everyone is perfectly different.
The more people there are, the more variations of uniqueness there will be. Everyone has different experiences & different opportunities. There are people born with different genes, born in different places, & born into different cultures. None two people are the same.
Everyone is unique because God has a specific role for them in His kingdom.

In conclusion, the vast amount of people God wanted, meant a vast variation to fulfill the many unique roles He has given us in the world, & probably also in Heaven. It means everyone is needed by God. We are all part of one body, if I may. We are all special in our own way to God. Not only that, but God also wanted to give as many people the opportunity to share eternal glory with Him, not so He can be praised by us, but because He wants to share His love with us, even though we don't deserve it.


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