The Crazy Task

Today I read from Genesis 6:9-22

Noah is another example of God's goodness not being able to die out.
Despite the everyone else on the earth being morally corrupt, there was still one man that still put his faith in God. Pretty amazing right?
We can really be reminded that hope never dies out. We can never eliminate God from the picture. His goodness remains whatever the circumstances may be.

So here's Noah, completely different to the world around him.
It must have been extremely hard, all the mockery he would've received, watching his friends doing all the wrong things, having to live in a time where God was not feared~
I think he really had his heart set right. As he walked with God, he longed for what God wanted. This really helped him see how God saw, & helped him have a strong stance against Satan's forces.

So when God came up to him & asked him to build the ark, I'm sure he would have done it gladly. Though don't be mistaken, it was an enormous task at hand.
It was an ark, a giant boat, not a little small tug boat. It was to hold two of every animal on the earth.
Even with all our technological advances nowadays, if God went to a single person & asked him to build an ark today, I'm sure it still would be a huge difficult task. And back in Noah's time, they had nowhere near as much resources as we have nowadays, so imagine how hard the task would have been.

I also found it quite amazing how God could give Noah specific dimensions & instructions that all worked out perfectly. Despite not having visual of the boat or anything, he just knew~
It really once again reminds us of how great God really is, of what He can do in our lives. He knows every single aspect of our lives even though it hasn't happened yet.

I really love how the passage concludes.
"Noah did everything just as God commanded him."
Would we have done the same?
Noah's obedience & trust in God is something to be marveled at.
We can really learn from it.

Do we completely trust God today?
If God told us to do something crazy with no reason, would follow Him blindly?

God requires us a lot of the time to have faith in Him.
This means following His plan for our lives even though we may not know where it will take us.
It means doing things that may seem crazy to us without a given reason at the time.
But we can be assured it's all for the good of us.
Because He loves us~

Once again, in this passage, we're reminded what God must do when we walk away from Him. With all the corruption at the time, He had to destroy everything.
But for those of us who do walk with Him, we can be assured that God will put an end to evil once & for all one day. All the pain, sorrow, corruption will be refined into goodness, joy & glory.

Just something to think about
Do you want to be safely in the 'ark' when that happens or apart of the devastating 'flood'?


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