The Serene Place

Reading from Genesis 2:4-25 NIV

So this where things start happening.
Where God's creation start living out their roles.

Reading through this, I can really feel the peace of the place. There was no sin yet, it was all perfect & good in God's eyes. It's almost like a glimpse of heaven.

I found verses 5-7 very descriptive & specific. Like "no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth" & "no plant of the field had yet sprung up". I think here the Bible is using images we can relate to, or at least the people of that time could. It's about agriculture.
I think the idea from this is that the land was basically dry & barren in a sense. It may not be literally the images painted, but that's the idea for our understanding.

I always wonder why God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil there whenever I read it. It is when Adam ate the fruit that kicked him out of the garden. God knew it would happen & He still created it. Feel free to share any ideas about this.

I think verse 7 is a really important verse.
"the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."
The living being part really stands out to me. It really sets us apart from the rest of creation. It shows that living isn't just about being able to survive, to eat, drink, sleep, have a good time. Animals can do all of those things. What living is really about, is being alive because of God & for God.

When talking about the rivers, it's all very geographical with the names of places and stuff. When I read it, the place names has no meaning to me at all. But I'm sure there's more to this. It's probably lost it's meaning nowadays, but back then, all those places probably had a significance. It might have been a beautiful and majestic area. That's why the places were named, maybe for emphasis

Now onto the command about the tree, the reason behind why sin came into the world. I think it actually wasn't the reason that Adam ate the fruit that got them kicked out. I think it's more of the idea behind the intention. Adam disobeyed God, he questioned Him, he didn't completely trust Him.
So even though God said that they'd die if they ate from the tree, it wasn't the fruit that caused the chaos, but the meaning behind the whole command & disobeying it that did so.

At the end, no shame from feeling naked.
What do you guys think? I personally think this is pretty spectacular.
Nudity & all that sort of stuff is considered profane nowadays, it's really disapproved. But here, nudity was basically the same as having clothes on. Also, there was probably no lust involved. Adam probably didn't look at Eve's naked body & think lustfully at all & vice versa. With all the pornography & stuff around nowadays, that is truly an amazing thing!

So onto applications I picked up from reading this time.

I think this is a great passage to get to know God better.
We can see that He really likes life, by watering the ground so plants could shoot up, & breathing the breathe of life. So we can also conclude that He doesn't like death. Death isn't His plan for us, He wants us to have eternal life with Him. We can also be assured God isn't happy when we experience death of close ones.

From the command God gave Adam, not to eat the fruit, it wasn't very clear & there was no reason behind it. I'm not sure if Adam questioned it. But we can really learn that God requires us to trust Him so that we can have a solid relationship with Him. He may test our faith alot of the time to test & strengthen our relationship with Him.

Also, when God said "It is not good for man to be alone" He meant it.
We aren't made to be alone. We are made for love. We are capable of love. To love there needs to be at least two peers. So however alone you may be, or you want to be, keep in mind you need someone.

So that's basically what I picked up from this passage this time around.


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