Brotherly Hate

Reading from Genesis 4 NIV

So we continue on to see what happens after Adam & Eve are kicked out from The Garden.
They have two sons, Cain & Able.
I'm sure most of us are very familiar with this story.

So Cain & Able both offer sacrifices to God & God didn't look on favor on Cain's.
Able gave the best of what he had, but Cain just gave 'some of the fruits of the soil'. In the same way, God knows our hearts, so we should really give Him our all, our very best all the time.

I really liked verse 7.
"If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it." I'd say it's definitely worth memorizing!
It really reminds us that one sin leads to another & so on.. We must really be prepared and have to strength to stop it right away & not 'let it in'.

This time I read the passage I especially noticed one thing
Cain's brutality.

It was quite a small matter. God favoured Abel's offering over Cain that one time.
Cain could have changed and given his best the next time, I'm sure God would've forgiven him.
But instead, he kills his only brother.
That's pretty brutal if you ask me.

Did God strike Him dead right away?
Did God say He hated Him & completely forsook him?

God did punish Cain, but He still loved him.
He was still watching over Cain as he wandered the earth.
That really reminds me, that even though there are terrible people out there, murders, terrorists, God still loves them just as well. We are definitely not to judge them, but instead, we should love them just as God loves as they have God's protection just as well as we do.

Then it goes on to list Cain's descendants.
What Lamech said to his wives really pointed something out to me.
It reminds me as generation passes onto generation, sin will manifest. It'll get worse. Along time, each generation slowly crosses the line & more sins become more acceptable in society & it's only going to get worse. In response to this, there not  a moment to lose to stand stronger in our faith as the pains & toils in this world are going to get harder & harder, especially for Christians.

Last of all, God replacing Abel with Seth is a great reminder that hope never dies out. If God didn't replace him, I'm sure there would be a slim chance of anyone righteous on the face of the earth, it would be completely corrupted. But out of Abel's ashes, rose Seth, which we will see eventually leads onto Noah :)
