A God who is THE beginning.

Reading from Genesis 1-2:2 NIV

This is a must read when reading the Bible.
It's the very start of all existence; of everything.

Keep in mind though, this is The Bible.

It isn't a Science text book.
It won't show the chemical reactions to how it all happened.
It won't show the physics to how it all works.
It doesn't show the biology to how life existed.
So don't read it like one.

Don't try to understand how God did it.
You'll be left with no answers & most probably with doubts 'bout His existence.
He is God & every aspect of Him is far greater than us.
There's no way our tiny minds could ever understand.

He created the whole world all by Himself.
That's all you need to know.

So let's have a look at some things that I noticed when reading it this time around.

In verse 1, the word "formless" really stood out to me.
No form at all.
Not one dimensional, not two dimensional, not three dimensional...
Imagine that.. Not even a 'dot'.
It was nothing.
That's pretty amazing if you ask me.

Something new arose to me in verse 4 this time I read it.
"God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness."
It made me think, that since light was good & He separated it from darkness, is that a theme of good & bad coming in already? So darkness is given a bad impression already.. four verses into The Bible.
I never actually noticed it.

In verse 6-8, when He created the sky, I always thought it was just the sky above, & waters below. But after reading it more clearly now.. It seems there's sky under AND above the sky.. Hmm, wonder what the water above refers to.

I'd also like to point out that when God created stars, their purpose was to "give light on the earth".
The word earth is very special. It didn't say for mars or any other planets, it says earth. This shows how we as humans on earth are chosen by God. We can be assured there's no parallel universe or alien species that God has chosen as well as us.
We are the chosen. The only at that.

When God created land animals, it seems there were three categories of them. 'Livestock', 'creatures that move along the ground', & 'the wild animals'. I found that quite interesting.

Now onto when God created mankind.
One thing really stood out to me this time, which I never actually noticed before.
"Let us make mankind in our image".
It doesn't say "my image". It really reminds us that God is really special.
So we are a reflection of every aspect of God. The Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
I never actually thought 'bout it that way before.

Here's one question that really struck me after reading this.
Why did God decide to use six days to create the Earth? He could have easily done so in one second if He wanted. It's really interesting to me.
Maybe He wanted to categorize all He created for us to understand a little better.
What do you think?

Some important points I picked up this time.

In the beginning, God was already there.
There is no beginning to God.
He's always existed.
God isn't limited by time.
He just was, is & always will be.

Also, this account of creation is really 'impossible' if we try and logically explain it.
Don't try to.
God just requires us to know He did all this & to acknowledge that He's able to do things like this. That His power is infinite.

It really helps me set my mind right to read the rest of the Bible.
We really shouldn't try read the bible with a "logic cap" on.
Alot of the miracles & events in the Bible will never be able to be understood by our human logic. That's what faith is all 'bout, abandoning all logic to believe God just because He is.

This beginning to the Bible also sets the scene for us.
It's all 'about God.
He exists.
It's all about Him.

We only are something because He decided so.
We're dealing with something so much greater than ourselves here.
It should completely humble us.

These are some of my thoughts from this passage.
Hope you enjoyed it.


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